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GetSmartPalette(ElementValue,Color[]) Method
See Also 
dotnetCHARTING Namespace > Series Class > GetSmartPalette Method : GetSmartPalette(ElementValue,Color[]) Method

ElementValue of elements in this series to base the SmartColor value ranges on.
The colors on which the smart palette will be based.
Generates a SmartPalette object with range colors based on the series data and specified colors. The resulting smartPalette will work on series with the same name as this series.


Visual Basic (Declaration) 
Public Overloads Function GetSmartPalette( _
   ByVal ev As ElementValue, _
   ByVal ParamArray colors() As Color _
) As SmartPalette
Visual Basic (Usage)Copy Code
Dim instance As Series
Dim ev As ElementValue
Dim colors() As Color
Dim value As SmartPalette
value = instance.GetSmartPalette(ev, colors)
public SmartPalette GetSmartPalette( 
   ElementValue ev,
   params Color[] colors


ElementValue of elements in this series to base the SmartColor value ranges on.
The colors on which the smart palette will be based.

See Also

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